Saturday, February 25, 2006

This is what matters in life.

My parents came up for the weekend. They wanted to see me again before I spend 10 days helping the Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic. This got me thinking about life and what really matters. I can tell you what matters: Family. Last year, while in Haiti, I learned a very valuable lesson. When you meet a person in Haiti they always say three things: Hello. How are you? How's your family? They, in their "simple" lifestyle, have discovered happiness. They realize that if your family is doing well then there is nothing you should worry about or complain about.

I, however, almost learned this lesson too late. While I was in Haiti my grandfather went into the hospital and the doctors told him he had 2 weeks to live. Oh how I wished I could have spent more time with him listening and learning. I cried and I prayed. By God's grace he was given more time on this earth. Instead of living for 2 weeks, he has now been alive and (relatively) healthy for almost a year.

So now, on this one year anniversary, I shall once again be traveling to a third world country to help those in physical need, but also so they can help all of us with our emotional and spiritual needs. We will be giving them food and medical supplies and housing, but they will be giving us much more: They will be giving us a purpose, a meaning, a reason for caring, and most importantly showing us how to love unconditionally.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

South Dakota passes anti-abortion law!

Alleluia! A great first step in the right direction!
South Dakota became the first U.S. state to pass a law banning abortion in virtually all cases, with the intention of forcing the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 decision legalizing the procedure.

The law, which would punish doctors who perform the operation with a five-year prison term and a $5,000 fine, awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Michael Rounds and people on both sides of the issue say he is unlikely to veto it.

Yahoo News Article

Time to get the other states to follow!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ms. Right or Ms. Right-now?

Call me old fashioned, call me sappy, call me traditional... When I like a girl, I do not think "I wonder if she is good in bed," instead I wonder "Is she the one I will spend my life with?" I was speaking with a friend earlier tonight. He is in High School and has just started dating a girl that he likes. He made the comment that he didn't think it would last that long, and that he was just happy dating for as long as it lasted. I see the trend becomming more and more prevalent. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am the one that is different, but I view dating as a means to find Ms. Right, not Ms. Right-now. I am sure that this is due mainly to my faith: I am not looking for one night stands since I am saving myself for marriage. Of course, many of my friends view me as "missing out" on what college is "supposed to be," but you know what? I am happy where I am. Sometimes I worry that I am running out of time for finding Ms. Right. I worry because I don't think I would be able to find Ms. Right at a bar or any other normal meeting place after I graduate college. But, of course, I soon realize that God has my life in control. He knows what is best for me. I simply need to place my trust in Him and things will work out.

So, maybe I won't find Ms. Right in college. Maybe I will. Whoever she is, she is out there, and some day when God thinks the time is right, we shall meet. Until then I will remain here waiting, sometimes worrying, but always knowing that things happen for a reason, and I will enjoy my life as God gives it to me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

100%, A Price That Everyone Can Afford

First of all, welcome to my first blog. I am new to this so stick with me and give me comments to help me out.

100%. All or nothing. That is what Bob Rice was talking about last night( and check out his blog at He spoke of how we should give everything we have to Jesus. (Oh, I forgot to mention: I am religious and proud of it and will probably post many blogs with some deeper meanings to them.) But back to Bob, he was discussing how we will not fully live life until we fully give life to God. "You can't be half of a saint, you can't be kind of holy..." This made me think, what have I been doing that is keeping me away from God's love? Sure I do alot under the guise of "God's will" but what is my true motivation?

I told Bob last night that he isn't making my life easy. I am currently contemplating a year long volunteer position in Pandiassou, Haiti between Undergrad and Graduate studies. I spent most of the night wondering what my motivation was for wanting to go. Is it truley to help God through helping others? Is it to try to fill a void in my life? Is it to make myself look good in front of others? To tell you the truth I still don't know. I have, however, decided that I am not going to worry about it and let God do his work through me in whatever way He has planned. If things work out and I end up in Haiti, I will do it with all that I have. If God would rather me glorify Him in a different manner, so be it.

You know, one thing I have learned through my short time on Earth is that God will answer your prayers. You must, however, be careful for what you pray for. I am constantly asking God for guidance in my decisions, and I always finish my prayer with "God, you know me... please help make the correct decision obvious so there is no doubt in my mind what You would have me do." I now have come to expect that when God decides to share part of His will with me, it will be about as loud and clear as running head first into a brick wall. I am always one for irony, and apparently God is as well. So, I continue on with my daily life with my latest brick wall courtesy of Bob Rice: "When faced with a tough decision, look at each option. Which one requires more faith to accomplish? Turn that direction, take that path, and never look back."